Varadi Kashayam

Varadi Kashayam – Benefits, Usage

What is Varadi Kashaya

Varadi kashaya used in Ayurveda for the treatment of urinary disorders and obesity. It has capacity to correct the digestion and metabolism. Varanadi Kashayam is an Ayurvedic polyherbal decoction containing 18 ingredients.

Varadi Kashaya Churna is the best preferable medication for obesity. Complaints related to obesity like over-weight, palpitation, breathlessness, anemia, lassitude etc. are cured. Atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, thyroid dysfunction are remarkably treated well with varadi kashaya.

It is useful in obesity Ayurvedic treatment, cures indigestion, cures headaches, stomach gas bloating, headache, abscess and wounds. It is also used as natural herbal diuretic and cures edema.

Varadi Kashaya for Obesity

Varadi kashaya Churna is the best preferable medication for obesity. Complaints related to obesity like over-weight, palpitation, breathlessness, anemia, lassitude etc. are cured. Atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, thyroid dysfunction are remarkably treated well with varadi kashaya. Potent digestive combination of Triphala, Agni, Haridra and Purified Loha bhasma (Incinerated iron powder) Triphala balances tridoshas in the system.

Sets metabolism on track. Chitraka invigorates the digestive fire and metabolic agency. Breaks down ‘ama’ or disease causing complexes that accumulate in deeper body tissue. The formula is also used in remedying persistently low blood heme levels, Boosts hepatic and splenic function.

Varadi Kashaya Preparation

This Product is in Choorna form. Take 20 grams of Kashaya powder in 320 ml water. Boil to reduce into 40 ml of liquid. The dosage of intake is 20 ml twice daily before food

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