What is Pathimugam water ?

Pathimugam or Indian red wood soaked in water is a popular in kerala, also knowwn as karingali water. The bark of the tree is used to medicinal benefits.

Pathimugam water good for health ?

Pathimugam Herbal Drink Mix has anti-allergic properties that will helps your body fight against harmful bacteria and parasites. If you are looking for the easiest way to keep your cardiac health in check, make sure you sip a cup of Sappan wood every single day of your life. The red pigment of the beneficial for heart.

You can boil the water with Pathimugam for two three minutes strain and consume any time during the day. The healing water turns light pink color is used as cure for kidney disorders, skin diseases, cholesterol, blood purification and diabetes.

Pathimugam good for skin ?

Washing face with Pathimugam is an effective acne treatment
Brazilein content present in the extract of Pathimugam propionibacterium acne which give rice to acne and inflammation of the eyelids. Drinking Pathimugam it helps purify the blood disorders.

Health benefits of Pathimugam water

Rich in anti-oxidants
Prevent acne
Helps purify blood
Prevents skin infection
Prevents water borne diseases

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